Dhaulagiri Trek

To the west of the Annapurna and Kalingandaki valley lies the Dhaulagiri valley which is set an altitude of 4750mts. It may require anywhere between 20 to 25 days to trek the entire place. With passes like the French pass and Thapa pass which is 5360mts and 5200mts respectively, it is considered one among the difficult paths to trek. The start begins at Katmandu, and the first destination is Beni which may be reached through a bus. The Dhaulagiri valley is stunning and the view it allows is also very beautiful. The Dhaulagiri trek allows for at least a dozen or more of peaks at varying altitudes. This path however is recommended to people who have had previous trekking experience as it can get to be too very strenuous for a first timer.
Dhaulagiri Trek
Dhaulagiri Trek: Photo by Rens Pothuizen
Dhaulagiri Trek
Dhaulagiri Trek: Photo by Hans Selde


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