Bisket Jatra offerings Bhaktapur

Bisket Jatra offerings Bhaktapur
Offerings on Khalna Tole in Bhaktapur on the occasion of the Bisket Jatra festival on Nepali New Years day.

Woman with offerings in Bhaktapur

Woman with offerings in Bhaktapur
Woman with offerings in Bhaktapur heading for the huge pole and lingam during the Bisket Jatra festival.

Taumadhi Tole

Taumadhi Tole
Taumadhi Tole as seen from the rooftop of Bhadgaon Guest House.
You can clearly distinguish Nyatapola Temple (left side), Cafe Nyatapola in a former pagoda temple (forefront) and the Bhairab temple (right).

Bisket Jatra festival

Bisket Jatra festival
Picture of two chariots on Khalna Tole in Bhaktapur on the occasion of the Bisket Jatra festival on Nepali New Years day.

Naga Pokhari

Naga Pokhari
Naga Pokhari (snake or cobra water tank) in the courtyard of the Royal Palace in Bhaktapur. The water tank dates from the 17th century.

Cobras play an important role in Hindu religion. The fifth day after the new moon in the month Shraavana the Nag Panchami festival is being observed. During Nag Panchami Nepalese traditionally offer prayers to Nagas, put pictures of Nagas above the doors of their houses to ward off evil spirits, and place food for cobras in their fields.

Monks royal palace

Monks royal palace
Monks walking in front of the royal palace on the Durbar Square in Bhaktapur.
Unfortunately an earthquake destroyed many of the impressive buildings back in 1934.

Temple in Bhaktapur

Nyatapola Temple
The five storey, thirty metres high Nyatapola Temple in Bhaktapur, a good example of the Newari architecture. The Nyatapola is the highest temple in Nepal.

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