Arun Valley Trek

Though a trip to this valley maybe considerably short the Arun Valley Trek is anything but disappointing. With a maximum altitude of 3349mts the trek is less strenuous. The reason this place attracts the trekkers is the spectacular view of the Mt Everest and the Makalu valley’s from here. The trek begins from Lukla which is at the gate of Khumbu and passes through places like Puiyan which is at an altitude of 2730mts crossing through to places like Sanam (2850mts), Bung (1900mts), Dhubidanda (760mts), Mangmaya khola (200 mts) ending at Hile from where you can reach back to Katmandu or from Bung you can adopt another route via Namche Bazaar reaching Katmandu. You get a spectacular view of the lifestyle and culture of the Rai and the Shepra people who reside there. The trek can last anywhere between 12 to 15 days. Though, relatively less strenuous, previous experience in trekking would be very welcome as some places can be a little more stressful than the others.
Arun River Valley Trek
Arun River Valley Trek: Photo by Jamie McGuinness – Project Himalaya

Arun River Valley Trek
Arun River Valley Trek: Photo by Jamie McGuinness – Project Himalaya

Nepal is a vast place covering an extensive area. The above mentioned are the top trekking places usually frequented by trekkers however there are several other tracks too such as Ganesh Himal falling between Katmandu and Pokhara, closer to the Annapurna region, Mayam Danda Trek etc. Nepal seems to have an unending supply of places to trek and no matter how much one explores this place there always seems to be some remaining. Trekker’s haven, adventure seekers paradise. Nepal.


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