Will Nepal be 2011's Gay Travel Hot Spot?

Nepal may just position itself as this year's travel hot spot, and not just because of its crazy 157-day hike on the Great Himalaya Trail that starts in February. It is vying to be a vacation destination for gay couples.
The country gave it a go in 2009 and became the first South Asian nation to decriminalize homosexuality. Since then, Nepal has okayed same-sex marriage and is seeking to ensure gay rights in the new constitution.
By allowing same-sex marriage, officials are hoping gay lovebirds will come out to say "I do" and honeymoon in the country. In fact, Nepal is now pushing Mount Everest as a place to tie the knot. Those would be some amazing wedding pictures.
Although the country is waving its rainbow-colored flag high, gay residents say they continue to face discrimination throughout the heavily Hindu population. So watch out. But the tourism board is hoping its initiatives will be enough incentive for gay travelers to visit the country. Tourism is Nepal's biggest source of income and it's been on the wane in recent years. Officials hope that gay newlyweds will help make up the difference.


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