Vintage Nepal ~ Rare Old Pictures, Videos and Arts of Nepal

Street scene at Kathmandu Durbar Square - Before 1912 AD

Ritual bathing in Baghmati River - Monday, March 23, 1959 (Should be Shivaraatri)

Nepalese man carrying a young calf - 1980 AD

Coronation of King Birendra and Queen Aishwarya - Feb 24, 1975 AD

An American actor Beverly Garland applying lipstick - April 05, 1958 AD

First Lady of the United States Hillary R. Clinton and her daughter Chelsea Clinton meets with Late Queen Aishwarya of Nepal in Nepal.

Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary - Tuesday, June 23, 1953 AD

Dashing Nepalese man in then popular stripe shirt, bell-bottom pant and Buddha embodied belt pose for a photo - 1960's


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