Phewa Lake

People of Nepal consider the Phewa Lake as the pride of Pokhara. Phewa, as mentioned is located in Pokhara and is the biggest lake in Pokhara. Very famous for the boating, it is the second largest lake in the whole of Nepal covering about 4.43 kms. The lake is very beautiful and reflects in its clear waters the hills of Kaskikot and Sarangot flanking it. You will also find the beauty of the snow clad mountains of Annapurna and Macchapuchre reflected in the waters. Another interesting attraction is the temple, Barahi Bhagwati, located in the center of the lake. The temple is dedicated to Varahi, an incarnation of Vishnu, the Hindu deity. It is a two storied structure in the typical pagoda style that Nepal is famous for. To the east of the banks of the lake are the souvenir shops and hotels that are very popular among the tourists. You will find all kinds of souvenirs, books and lodges that provide good accommodation, all in this one place called Baidam. Phewa Lake, also called the Fewa Lake, is rightly called the “Beauty of Pokhara”.
Phewa Lake
Phewa Lake: Photo by Tom Booth
Phewa Lake
Phewa Lake: Photo Doug Letterman


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