Mt. Everest Circuit

Every trekkers dream destination is Mt Everest. There is no need for explanation as to why! From time immemorial there have been numerous people who have wanted to conquer this peak and quite a few have managed so successfully. Even if you can’t manage the peak the Everest Base camp circuit should give a sense of similar elevation as that of Mt Everest itself. A typical trip around this circuit will require a minimum of 17 to 25 days. You can reach this base camp from Katmandu to Lulka from where the trek begins. The path follows the route through the Khumbu regions to Sherpa village of Namche Bazaar. With a glimpse into the Sherpa and the Tibetian Buddhist Cultures as background Namche Bazzar leads the trekker to Gorek Shep where you can witness Mt Everest in all its glory. Following the Mt Everest circuit will allow a trekker to enjoy the following mountains as well Amadablam 6856 mts, Lhotse 8516 mts, Nuptse 7879, Pumori 7145 mts, Cho Oyu 8153mts, Makalu 8475 mts. From Gorek Shep after Kala Pattar will lead back to Namche Bazaar. Though the high altitude might make a few sick the trip is worth all that, after all, you get a chance to be a part of the legacy called Mount Everest.
Mt. Everest Circuit
Mt. Everest: Photo by Huw Thomas
Mt. Everest Circuit
Mt.Everest: Photo by Steve Hicks


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