Mountain Flight in Nepal

All want to enjoy the scenic beauty of any given place, however, not all are equipped to do so. Shortage of time, physical exhaustion and such other reasons can be attributed as reasons for it. It will be really sad if one visited Nepal but didn’t manage the trip around the beautiful and breathtaking views that the mountains of Nepal have to offer. This is where mountain flight comes to the rescue. Mountain flight is one of the best ways to experience the mountains up close without climbing it. The best time to go on such a flight will be from the month of September to May, and there are several chartered flight and helicopter companies that will draw up an itinerary all through the year for the same.
Mountain Flight, Nepal

Mountain Flight, Nepal: Photo by nick
There are several mountains that will come into the view when you go up in the air. The usual and the most preferred route will first introduce you to the beautiful Gosainath peak. It is about 8,013 meters tall. This mountain peak lies close to the Tibet border and the Tibetans call this peak Shisapangam.
To the right of the Gosainath peak stands the majestic Dorje Lakpa which is about 6975meters tall. The mountain is considered as one among the holy ones for the Buddhists. The peak was not open for the public till 1964 as climbing the peak was not permitted till then. Being one among the difficult peaks to conquer, it was finally climbed in the year 1981. The Tibetan name means the “the mountain of many sacred thunderbolts”. The snow covered peak, which in the formation of number 8 from up above, will leave anyone speechless.
Phurbi Chyachu, which is to the east, looks over the Katmandu Valley, and it is a sight to behold in itself. It is about 6722 meters in height. As the flight continues, you will see the mount Choba-Bhamare. It stands at a height of 5993 meters. However, sizes can be very deceptive. Though considered one among the smaller peaks, it is still yet to be climbed successfully.
Everest view from Flight: Photo by T Hartberg
Everest view from Flight: Photo by T Hartberg
Mount Gauri-Shanker is the next that can be seen from the flight. It is at a height of 7134 meters. As the name suggests, there are two peaks in the same mountain. It is named so by the Hindus because the two peaks look just like the pair, Shiva and Parvati, of the Hindu mythology. This holy mountain of the Hindus was restricted from being climbed till the year 1977. It was first climbed by a group of Nepalese and Americans in the year 1979.
Mountain Flight
View from Flight: Photo by Laura Billings
Mountain Flight
Himalaya view from Flight: Photo by Ingmar Zahorsky
Himalaya view from Flight: Photo by David Jones
Next to see is the mount Melungtse which stands at a height of 7023 meters. It is considered the Highest Mountain belonging to Rowaling Himal. Chungimago is the next that is visible after mount Melungtse. It stands at 6297meters, and is yet to be climbed successfully by any climber. Mount Numbur is the next, standing at a height of 6956 meters.
Pokhara Airport
Pokhara Airport: Photo by Doug Letterman
As the flight proceeds, you will see Karyolung. It stands at a magnificent height of 6511 meters. It is a sight to behold. A milky white mountain, which will remain imprinted in the mind permanently. Cho-oyu stands at a dominating height of 8201 meters. It ranks the sixth highest among the mountains of the world. At a height of 7952 meters is the mountain of Gyanchungkang. Climbers consider it as a mountain that is difficult to climb.
Pumori Mountain stands at a height of 7161 meters at the right of the mountain Gyanchungkang. Close to this is mount Nuptse. In translation it means “the west peak” and is rightfully called so because it stands to the west of Mount Everest. Mount Nuptse is about 7855 meters in height.
Taplejung Airport
Taplejung Airport: Photo by bigataagat
Kathmandu airport
Katmandu Airport: Photo by Steve Hicks
Finally comes to view the Mount Everest the one peak which is considered as the most magnificent of all. Known among the locals of Nepal as Sagarmatha and among their Tibetan counterparts as Qomologma, it stands majestically at a domineering height of 8848 meters. It was named Everest after the famous surveyor Sir George Everest. The spell binding mountain, though last to be seen, will leave a lasting impression.
Lukla Airport, Nepal
Lukla Airport: Photo by Liviu Ionescu
Every minute of the flight, from the minute the flight takes off to the times it lands, will leave you awestruck. If you are a photo freak, each passing mountain will drive you into a frenzy of “click” “click”. No matter how many photos you take, it will never seem to be enough. Such is the beauty of nature and the mountain peaks of Nepal.
Mountain Flight
Mountain view from Flight: Photo by T Hartberg
Mountain Flight
Lukla Airport: Photo by Liviu Ionescu


Unknown said...

these pictures of mountains are really very beautiful. One should see these beautiful mountains, these flights are really very helpful for people who want to see the beautiful sites of Nepal mountains
mountain flight

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