Gosainkunda Lake

We find the holy lake of Gosainkunda to the north Katmandu. This lake is also called Gosain Kunda and is a freshwater lake. The lake is considered holy especially among the Hindus. They believe that the rock seen in the lake is the remnant of a Shiva temple. The legend behind this is that this lake is considered to be the home of the Shiva and Gauri of the Hindu mythology. The great epics like the Mahabharath and the Ramayan speak of this lake as having originated from the churning of the ocean that was done by the gods and demons in order to get nectar, endowed with the power of immortality. The lake holds immense reverence especially during the festival of Janai Purnima when the devotees throng the place from all over Nepal and India. Another legend has it that Shiva was very thirsty after having drunk the poison puked by the great snake used for churning the ocean. He came here and with his trident dug the very spot where the lake exists and drank from it to quench his thirst. Hence, due to these several legends attached to the lake, it has been revered by one and all.
The lake is located in the district of Rasuwa at a height of 4300 meters. The best and easy way to reach the location is by reaching Rasuwa. The lake remains frozen for about six months, and then it begins to melt to form the river Trishuli. The lake falls in the path of Dhunche- Gosaikunda trek path with a lot of trekkers. The simple life of the Sherpas who inhabit the place is another reason for the trekkers to choose this path. One need not mention the kind of scenery that will meet the eye. A little farther from this path, the trekkers will find the Langtang trek path. On the outskirts of the lake is the Langtang valley, which is another beautiful scenic spot. There is also the Langtang National park that is very popular among the people who trek in this path. The Lauribina pass, a very difficult pass to trek, can also be found on the outskirts.
Gosainkunda Lake
Gosainkunda Lake: Photo by Darren
Gosainkunda Lake
Gosainkunda Lake: Photo by Kamal Raj


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