Annapurna Base Camp

Shorter when compared to the Annapurna circuit trek, it will take a trekker at least a minimum of 15 to 20 days to complete. The trek path starts from Pokhara and leads to Nayapul from where there is a trek path which will lead to Gorepani Poon hills. You will come across places like Tadapani and Deurali which leads to the Annapurna Base camp from where the path then crosses Chhomrong to Ghaundrung which leads back to Pokhara. With an altitude of 4130 mts Annapurna base camp is a sight to behold. You get to visit even the Annapurna sanctuary that is very famous among the trekkers here. If you are a little short on the days then Annapurna Base Camp will be the best bet.
Annapurna Base Camp
Annapurna Base Camp: Photo by Barry Rogge
Annapurna Base Camp
Annapurna Base Camp: Photo by Jeff


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